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brochure · 5 min

March 17, 2021

Business Transformation


Content Description

The journey of Atta Girl started when a stay-at-home mom decided to turn her love for healthy eating into a healthy business. She knew early on that she didn’t want to be another health food brand offering the same variations as others in new packaging. After experimenting with different grains, millets, and veggies for over two years, Atta Girl decided it was time to take her first launch to its testing ground. To her surprise, she was sold out on the first day itself.

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    The Speeds and Feeds of an HP Indigo 6900

    The Speeds and Feeds of an HP Indigo 6900

    Quality, Speed, Applications. Offer nearly any application imaginable and meet the needs of the world's most creative brands. Add high-value capabilities, from brand protection to embellishments, with greater production efficiencies, and look toward rapid growth of your print volumes.
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    Why Digital Printing

    Why Digital Printing

    What you need to know when going digital. Although analog printing of labels and packaging will be with us for a long time, there is evidence that digital print is uniquely suited to address consumer and brand driven changes in the market. This analysis looks at what you need to know to go digital.
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    Why Wait

    Why Wait

    Moving some jobs from flexo to HP Indigo could make you more efficient and profitable.
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    The Inkjet vs Indigo Debate

    The Inkjet vs Indigo Debate

    Don’t get distracted. Competing in today’s labels and packaging industry requires a lot of versatility – and inkjet/hybrid cripples
    your ability to deliver.
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    6900 Digitalization

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    Business Development

    Business Development

    The year 2020 has brought with it significant changes. While each point in time offers new ways of doing things, and every year brings about new trends, right now we find ourselves at a turning point. There have been many such junctures in history, from the industrial revolution to the age of science, generations coming and going. But today, it is all about digital.
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    Industry Trends

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    Why HP Indigo

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    6K Product Video

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    Outrun the Future

    Outrun the Future

    In its current model, the label industry is still accelerating, but if we step up in terms of AI, cloud-based tech, sustainable and digital strategies, we’ll do more than catch up with the digital future — we’ll outrun it.

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